Chapter one – Introduction
The inspiration for writing
Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture came from the author’s work experience in organizations with regulatory functions in the financial and healthcare industries, commercial service providers and several hospitals. Using a self-created
Enterprise Architecture Implementation Wheel, the author developed an approach to implementing Enterprise Architecture that can be used by both novice and experienced architects.
Chapter two – Architecture Origin
A timeline is used to provide insight into the key events that led to the emergence, evolution, and maturation of architecture. Also, a brief explanation of the structure of the two best-known architecture frameworks, and an introduction to the architecture process are provided. The chapter concludes with the similarities and differences between the frameworks.
Chapter three – Architecture Definition
We learn that there are several definitions and that each interpretation of the field has a different point of view. The various definitions are all correct in themselves, even though they differ slightly from each other. Giving an unambiguous definition of architecture turns out to be not so easy.
Chapter four – Architecture Domains
The existence and difference between architecture layers and domains is discussed. The importance of information concepts is emphasized as the main factor for the introduction of an additional architecture domain; Information Architecture.
Chapter five – Architecture Roles
Examines the growth of the profession and the relationship of that growth to the emergence of the motley collection of architecture roles and functions. The function of the Enterprise Architect is described in more detail, and the similarities between this function and that of the Business Architect are noted. Other architecture roles and functions are briefly reviewed to give an idea of the variety that has emerged over the years.
Chapter six – Architecture Visualization
Focuses on visualizing the architecture. To be able to do so, a
modeling language must be used. The origins of the modeling language is discussed and the architectural elements used in the book are identified and explained. The same goes for the architecture products (deliverables) such as catalogs, matrices, diagrams, and maps. Furthermore, the importance of using a good architecture tool is emphasized and why there is a need for an architecture repository.
Chapter seven – Architecture Positioning
This chapter looks at how architecture can be positioned in an organization. The four different ways to do so are each briefly explained, and the implications of each positioning are noted. Examples of architecture work appropriate to each positioning are also given.
Chapter eight – Architecture Implementation
Describes the actual implementation of a basic Enterprise Architecture. Guided by the
Enterprise Architecture Implementation Wheel and using clearly defined architecture products (deliverables), each domain of the Enterprise Architecture is mapped out. Each of the stages defined in the
Enterprise Architecture Implementation Wheel is covered in detail, and discussed step by step.
Chapter nine – Next Steps
The steps that can be taken after the basic Enterprise Architecture has been implemented are detailed. The book looks beyond the horizon of the initial implementation. It provides guidance for further expansion and growth in the maturity of the Enterprise Architecture. For each stage of the
Enterprise Architecture Implementation Wheel, growth opportunities are identified, as well as architecture products that can play a role in further maturing the Enterprise Architecture.
Chapter ten – Architecture Application
Uses a fictitious organization facing a challenge to show how an implemented basic Enterprise Architecture can be used to address a strategic issue. The application of the various Enterprise Architecture products illustrates and emphasizes the structure that a baseline implementation can provide in moving from strategy to execution.
Chapter eleven – Closing Remarks
The purpose of the book is to provide insight into how a basic Enterprise Architecture can be established within an existing organization. Implementing an Enterprise Architecture is a journey in itself. And it can be an unforgettable journey. Like all things in life, it starts at the beginning:
Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture.