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Below you will find (a few of) the quotes taken from recent reviews and some testimonials that were written about my book Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture. More will be added as the book receives more reviews.

Quotes and reviews

Mohamed Khalil

Mohamed Khalil

Enterprise Architect

Flag Canada


Simplifies the complex world of EA

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“I found this book to be one of the most enjoyable and useful reads in the field. It not only reinforces best practices but also corrects and solidifies the core foundations of Enterprise Architecture, helping professionals stay aligned with its principles. Many professionals and colleagues looking for a good book on Enterprise Architecture have asked for my recommendations, and this has become my top suggestion for both beginners and experienced practitioners.”

Krishnakant Koneru

Krishnakant Koneru

Enterprise Architect

Flag India


Highly practical book

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Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture is a highly practical and accessible resource that bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world implementation. What makes this book stand out is its hands-on approach, making it valuable for both beginners and experienced professionals in the field of Enterprise Architecture.”

I’m impressed with the Enterprise Architecture Implementation Wheel and I will use it to support my architecture work.


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