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Ask someone to describe an apple. In nine times out of ten, the person will come up with something the likes of it being a round piece of fruit with a stalk (and a small leaf) that contains vitamins. Some will also add a colour to the description. A round piece of fruit with a stalk…
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Some time ago, I’ve had the pleasure of sitting down with a group of knowledgeable people for the purpose of establishing basic principles for an organisation. Of course, the Post-Its (sticky notes) were the first thing people reached for when I suggested expressing our thoughts regarding what was really important to the organisation.
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Every year, BizzDesign posts the results of its survey on the State of Enterprise Architecture online. Despite being valuable data, lately it shows a worrying downward trend. A trend that portrays a steady decline of Enterprise Architecture. To reach this conclusion, I compared the 2021 and 2022 reports. BizzDesign was kind enough to provide me with the 2021 data so that…
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