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  • Interview with Whynde Kuehn (Strategy to Reality) 2/2

    Interview with Whynde Kuehn (Strategy to Reality) 2/2

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    This is part 2/2 of my interview with Whynde Kuehn. You can read the first part in my previous blog post. As mentioned earlier, I recently had the honor of speaking with Whynde Kuehn, author of Strategy to Reality. Whynde is a long-time Business Architecture practitioner and thought leader, who has practiced the discipline from just about every angle you…

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  • Interview with Whynde Kuehn (Strategy to Reality) 1/2

    Interview with Whynde Kuehn (Strategy to Reality) 1/2

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    I recently had the honor of speaking with Whynde Kuehn, author of Strategy to Reality. We have been connected on LinkedIn since the release of her inspiring book on turning business strategy into reality. As I was contemplating the topic of my next blog, I thought why not ask Whynde for a quick interview.  So, in the spirit of…

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  • The misunderstandings about Enterprise Architecture

    The misunderstandings about Enterprise Architecture

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    Enterprise architecture is a complex and multidisciplinary field that has been gaining importance in recent years due to its ability to drive strategic decision-making and enable organizations to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. However, despite its growing importance, there are still many misunderstandings when it comes to Enterprise Architecture. In this article, I’ll explore some of…

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  • Business Streams and Value Processes

    Business Streams and Value Processes

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    Let’s talk about business streams and value processes. Wait, say what? Don’t you mean value streams and business processes?  Yes, in fact I do. But to emphasize that both concepts are very close to each other, I have mixed them up (like most people who work with these architectural concepts). Of course, this is unnecessary, because both concepts…

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  • The many definitions of Enterprise Architecture

    The many definitions of Enterprise Architecture

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    Ask someone to describe an apple. In nine times out of ten, the person will come up with something the likes of it being a round piece of fruit with a stalk (and a small leaf) that contains vitamins. Some will also add a colour to the description. A round piece of fruit with a stalk…

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  • From Post-Its to Principles

    From Post-Its to Principles

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    Some time ago, I’ve had the pleasure of sitting down with a group of knowledgeable people for the purpose of establishing basic principles for an organisation.  Of course, the Post-Its (sticky notes) were the first thing people reached for when I suggested expressing our thoughts regarding what was really important to the organisation. Sheets of…

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  • The decline of Enterprise Architecture

    The decline of Enterprise Architecture

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    Every year, BizzDesign posts the results of its survey on the State of Enterprise Architecture online.  Despite being valuable data, lately it shows a worrying downward trend. A trend that portrays a steady decline of Enterprise Architecture. To reach this conclusion, I compared the 2021 and 2022 reports. BizzDesign was kind enough to provide me with the 2021 data so that…

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  • The need for capability-centric collaboration

    The need for capability-centric collaboration

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    We all see it happening in our organisations: the formation of teams and working groups that pour their heart and soul into solving the next problem deemed important. From different units, key players are brought together to take up the current challenge with all available hands and resources and make it a success. It is…

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  • Ignorance is why Enterprise Architecture fails

    Ignorance is why Enterprise Architecture fails

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    Who says ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is the main reason why Enterprise Architecture fails in an organisation. More specifically, organisational ignorance is the main cause of the continuous immaturity of Enterprise Architecture within an organisation. That is, if you’re lucky… Usually, it is this ignorance that leads to a complete failure of Enterprise Architecture. I have discussed Enterprise Architecture’s…

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