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Ask someone to describe an apple. In nine times out of ten, the person will come up with something the likes of it being a round piece of fruit with a stalk (and a small leaf) that contains vitamins. Some will also add a colour to the description. A round piece of fruit with a stalk…
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Every year, BizzDesign posts the results of its survey on the State of Enterprise Architecture online. Despite being valuable data, lately it shows a worrying downward trend. A trend that portrays a steady decline of Enterprise Architecture. To reach this conclusion, I compared the 2021 and 2022 reports. BizzDesign was kind enough to provide me with the 2021 data so that…
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Who says ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is the main reason why Enterprise Architecture fails in an organisation. More specifically, organisational ignorance is the main cause of the continuous immaturity of Enterprise Architecture within an organisation. That is, if you’re lucky… Usually, it is this ignorance that leads to a complete failure of Enterprise Architecture. I have discussed Enterprise Architecture’s…
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A lot of organisations are struggling with their strategy; more specifically, they are struggling with the translation of their strategy to its execution. Making sense of strategy is challenging. Last month, I presented a webinar, ‘Making sense of strategy‘, during which I showed the audience how one can get from strategy to execution by using real-world examples. For…
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We have all had to deal with a difficult business related issue at one time or another. One that made us think: how are we going to tackle and solve this? To be honest, I think that we adults are used to seeing things as too difficult. That it is in our nature to overanalyse.…
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Recently, I posted the first part of my journey towards the Master Certified Architect certification. Below, you may read the second part. In the first part of this post, I ended with my submission of three Experience Profiles, each of which had to be completed by answering some twenty-five to thirty questions. The candidate pursuing for the Open CA certification is…
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During a summer holiday spent in Greece in 2021, I found the peace and quiet to reflect on my personal development within my workfield: Enterprise Architecture. In recent years, I have attended the most common training courses and completed certification programs (think TOGAF and ArchiMate), as well as all refresher courses. And yet… The feeling…
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