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We are probably all familiar with the TOGAF® Standard. Or just TOGAF, for friends and foes. An Enterprise Architecture framework pur sang and a very complete one if you ask me. The framework covers all aspects of Enterprise Architecture and allows for all kinds of tailoring. This makes it an excellent framework for any architecture…
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In the dynamic world of business, organizations must continuously evolve and adapt to remain competitive. The strategic management of capabilities is crucial for achieving this, with dynamic capabilities and original capabilities representing two fundamental paradigms. In this blog post, we delve into the concepts of dynamic capabilities from an architecture perspective, clarifying their similarities and…
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A lot of organisations are struggling with their strategy; more specifically, they are struggling with the translation of their strategy to its execution. Making sense of strategy is challenging. Last month, I presented a webinar, ‘Making sense of strategy‘, during which I showed the audience how one can get from strategy to execution by using real-world examples. For…
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