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Today we cannot avoid AI. We see it mushrooming everywhere. Various applications are being experimented with, and every marginal result is eagerly shared on social media. This is also true for generative AI applications in architecture. So how great would it be if we could use AI to make our lives as architects easier? We…
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Architecture Roadmapping is an important part of Enterprise Architecture. The creation of a roadmap enables an organization to develop initiatives that are in line with defined goals and corresponding objectives. In effect, a roadmap represents the realization of the organization’s strategy, visualized in concrete and defined steps. A roadmap cannot be created without goals and…
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Let’s talk about business streams and value processes. Wait, say what? Don’t you mean value streams and business processes? Yes, in fact I do. But to emphasize that both concepts are very close to each other, I have mixed them up (like most people who work with these architectural concepts). Of course, this is unnecessary, because both concepts…
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A lot of organisations are struggling with their strategy; more specifically, they are struggling with the translation of their strategy to its execution. Making sense of strategy is challenging. Last month, I presented a webinar, ‘Making sense of strategy‘, during which I showed the audience how one can get from strategy to execution by using real-world examples. For…
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