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Foreword by Whynde Kuehn

Whynde Kuehn is a long-time Business Architecture practitioner, thought leader, educator, advocate, and community builder, who has practiced the discipline from just about every angle you can imagine.

Her book, Strategy to Reality, is a unique manifesto for Business Architects, executives, and change makers to strengthen their strategy execution, decision making, and organizational and ecosystem design. It is considered a must-read for any Business or Enterprise Architect.

Below is an excerpt from the foreword written by Whynde.

Whynde Kuehn

Whynde Kuehn

Author of Strategy to Reality

Founder and Managing Director

S2E Transformation Inc.

If we develop the most brilliant framework to help organizations work more effectively but if they don’t know how to apply it in practice, does it make an impact?

What is more powerful than an idea then, is an idea that is executed. That is what Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture is all about.

Enterprise Architecture is the often-missing bridge between strategy and execution. It plays a critical role in translating strategy into a coordinated set of actions that enables an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Enterprise Architecture guides us to do the right things, at the right time, for the right reasons.

Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture is a reference and a guide for your journey of implementing Enterprise Architecture.

While Enterprise Architecture frameworks define what to do, they do not necessarily tell you how to do it. This book helps to bridge that gap.

Through his depth of experience, Eric translates the theory of Enterprise Architecture frameworks into a practical set of steps and guidance, codified through his Implementation Wheel and demonstrated through an example company.

Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture accelerates you so that you can focus on doing what matters most: applying Enterprise Architecture within your organization to achieve the value for which it was intended.