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This page contains downloadable media. The first part is devoted to the artwork of the book and the second part consists of links to the webinars I have conducted.

Book artwork

In this section you will find the artwork for the book, which contains only the images that I have created myself. When using the images, make sure to credit the book with the following reference: © Apress 2023, E. Jager: Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture.

Chapter 4: Architecture Domains

Chapter 5: Architecture Roles

Chapter 6: Architecture Visualization

Chapter 7: Architecture Positioning

Chapter 8: Architecture Implementation

Chapter 10: Architecture Application

Example Information Map

Example Maturity Model

Example Work Package View


Below you can find the podcasts I recorded over time. You are welcome to watch and listen to them.


Here are the webinars I have conducted. Feel free to watch them.

Becoming a Master Architect

Recorded: March 30th, 2023

Media: webinar 'Becoming a Master Architect'

Making sense of strategy

Recorded: September 22nd, 2022

Media: webinar 'Making sense of strategy'