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When we think of Enterprise Architecture, we often imagine dynamic teams designing robust frameworks to steer organizations into the future. But a quieter challenge looms: the profession itself is aging, and a younger generation is not stepping in to take the reins. This trend, often referred to as the graying of architecture, threatens to disrupt…
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Today we cannot avoid AI. We see it mushrooming everywhere. Various applications are being experimented with, and every marginal result is eagerly shared on social media. This is also true for generative AI applications in architecture. So how great would it be if we could use AI to make our lives as architects easier? We…
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We are probably all familiar with the TOGAF® Standard. Or just TOGAF, for friends and foes. An Enterprise Architecture framework pur sang and a very complete one if you ask me. The framework covers all aspects of Enterprise Architecture and allows for all kinds of tailoring. This makes it an excellent framework for any architecture…
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Architecture Roadmapping is an important part of Enterprise Architecture. The creation of a roadmap enables an organization to develop initiatives that are in line with defined goals and corresponding objectives. In effect, a roadmap represents the realization of the organization’s strategy, visualized in concrete and defined steps.
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My book Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture is now in stores. A sentence I never thought I would be able to utter a few months ago. When I started writing my book in early 2023, I never dreamed that I would be holding a physical copy in my hands just 11 to 12 months later.…
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Enterprise architecture is a complex and multidisciplinary field that has been gaining importance in recent years due to its ability to drive strategic decision-making and enable organizations to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. However, despite its growing importance, there are still many misunderstandings when it comes to Enterprise Architecture.
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