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Every year, BizzDesign posts the results of its survey on the State of Enterprise Architecture online. Despite being valuable data, lately it shows a worrying downward trend. A trend that portrays a steady decline of Enterprise Architecture. To reach this conclusion, I compared the 2021 and 2022 reports. BizzDesign was kind enough to provide me with the 2021 data so that…
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Who says ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is the main reason why Enterprise Architecture fails in an organisation. More specifically, organisational ignorance is the main cause of the continuous immaturity of Enterprise Architecture within an organisation. That is, if you’re lucky… Usually, it is this ignorance that leads to a complete failure of Enterprise Architecture.
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Not long ago, I was talking with a fellow architect from Switzerland about the use of architecture tooling in the healthcare industry. Since we both have a background in this sector, our conversation quickly moved in the direction of Enterprise Architecture in healthcare in a general sense. It didn’t take us long to conclude that…
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