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Enterprise architecture is a complex and multidisciplinary field that has been gaining importance in recent years due to its ability to drive strategic decision-making and enable organizations to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. However, despite its growing importance, there are still many misunderstandings when it comes to Enterprise Architecture.
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We all see it happening in our organisations: the formation of teams and working groups that pour their heart and soul into solving the next problem deemed important. From different units, key players are brought together to take up the current challenge with all available hands and resources and make it a success.
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Who says ignorance is bliss? Ignorance is the main reason why Enterprise Architecture fails in an organisation. More specifically, organisational ignorance is the main cause of the continuous immaturity of Enterprise Architecture within an organisation. That is, if you’re lucky… Usually, it is this ignorance that leads to a complete failure of Enterprise Architecture.
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A lot of organisations are struggling with their strategy; more specifically, they are struggling with the translation of their strategy to its execution. Making sense of strategy is challenging. Last month, I presented a webinar, ‘Making sense of strategy’, during which I showed the audience how one can get from strategy to execution by using real-world examples.
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The art of practicing architecture lies not in creating slick visuals, nor in meticulously capturing every possible piece of data and detail of and for an organisation. No, the art of architecture is the dialogue.
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