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Category: Architecture in general

  • The need for capability-centric collaboration

    The need for capability-centric collaboration

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    We all see it happening in our organisations: the formation of teams and working groups that pour their heart and soul into solving the next problem deemed important. From different units, key players are brought together to take up the current challenge with all available hands and resources and make it a success. It is…

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  • Making sense of strategy

    Making sense of strategy

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    A lot of organisations are struggling with their strategy; more specifically, they are struggling with the translation of their strategy to its execution. Making sense of strategy is challenging. Last month, I presented a webinar, ‘Making sense of strategy‘, during which I showed the audience how one can get from strategy to execution by using real-world examples. For…

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  • The Art of Architecture

    The Art of Architecture

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    The art of practicing architecture lies not in creating slick visuals, nor in meticulously capturing every possible piece of data and detail of and for an organisation. No, the art of architecture is the dialogue. Of course, an architect must possess the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct this dialogue and therefore attending training courses and…

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  • Enterprise Architecture craftmanship (2/2)

    Enterprise Architecture craftmanship (2/2)

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    Recently, I posted the first part of my journey towards the Master Certified Architect certification. Below, you may read the second part. In the first part of this post, I ended with my submission of three Experience Profiles, each of which had to be completed by answering some twenty-five to thirty questions. The candidate pursuing for the Open CA certification is…

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  • Why architecture in healthcare stays immature

    Why architecture in healthcare stays immature

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    Not long ago, I was talking with a fellow architect from Switzerland about the use of architecture tooling in the healthcare industry. Since we both have a background in this sector, our conversation quickly moved in the direction of Enterprise Architecture in healthcare in a general sense. It didn’t take us long to conclude that…

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  • LEGO and architecture principles

    LEGO and architecture principles

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    We all know LEGO. Those rock-hard bricks that keep reminding you for hours that you’ve just stepped on them. I’m kidding. We all know LEGO, of course, because we either played with it ourselves, or have children who did (or do), or have acquaintances with children, and so on and so forth. LEGO is a part…

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  • Enterprise Architecture craftmanship (1/2)

    Enterprise Architecture craftmanship (1/2)

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    During a summer holiday spent in Greece in 2021, I found the peace and quiet to reflect on my personal development within my workfield: Enterprise Architecture. In recent years, I have attended the most common training courses and completed certification programs (think TOGAF and ArchiMate), as well as all refresher courses. And yet… The feeling…

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